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The look of love.

Frunobulax is my dog. She's a shepard mix, and the rest of my family outvoted me as to renaming her. She answers to Snowflake, a stupid name for a dog. I threatened to let loose my evil Santa powers upon the world, but not a body would relent. Alas, she goes by Snowflake.

General Vanitizing & Stories
Silent Penguin's Bogus Journey
Testostereich: The Man, The Myth, The Bellend · Testostereich in Space
JON · LIAM · Readmesoon: The Untold Story · Ben: Retired or Desired?
Readmesoon in Space: The crappy knockoff · Zimizmizm · Frunobulax
The Big Bang as viewed through a straw · Gruntled (disambiguation)
Black and Silver (condensed cheese product)
T3canolis · Readmesoon · Fonchezzz · Silent Penguin (teh Ultimate Admin) · Asema · Athyria · Flameviper · Raggle Fraggle King · Ryan
Monsignor Peaches