Readmesoon: The Untold Story
- Note: read Readmesoon first.
Oh ho; you thought you were done when you read Readmesoon weren't you, eh? Nope. No sirree. Oh and as a side-note, this won't have any hidden messages like the last time because I'm too lazy to do it.
Beginning of Illogicopedia
When we last met our local idiot, Readmesoon, I summed up his IllogiLife with a sentence or two. This time I'm a little less lazy.
So he started coming from this site called Uncyclopedia where they hated him and decided to take a dignified shit on what is Illogicopedia. The shit being his articles. He started out talking about bread. What? Bread??? Seriously? Then he like took a little time to stop wasting megabits but decided to come back, like, whoop de fricken doo for us, eh? And people like what he wrote? What? Are you freaking kidding me? Seriously. This guy sucks BALLZ and people still like him. Wow... I cannot understand Illogicopedia users....
IOTM 'n' shit
He went on to become IOTM
In the end, it doesn't even matter! I had to fall, to loooose it aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllll! But in the end; it doesn't even maaatteeeerreerrrr!!!! Readmesoon still edits Illogicopedia today and he still sucks. You'd think he'd learn, right? Nope. Just goes right through his head. And GOD KNOWS HOW he got 9 stars. Clearly he's paying the Illogicopedia admins. I mean, how do you think he gets their votes? Clearly bribes.
Epilogue of the Epilogue
Please note that this really isn't an untold story considering I just wrote it down for all to read.
Epilogue of the Epilogue of the Epilogue
I planned something but... I just lost it.