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The Conspiracy

About Conspiracy -- Characters -- Your Gear -- Your Journal

A shiny red cab pulls up, it has a fluffy white beard for a bumper (WTF?) and is being pulled by a reindeer. The reindeer had obviously been beating severely, it's nose is red with blood. You get in.

As soon as the taxi reaches a decent speed the driver peers over his shoulder at you. Haven't you seen him before, Wasn't he on crimewatch or something? He pulls over into a lay-by, locks the car doors and begins to take off his shirt. You begin to twig that something is wrong when he starts to make advances on you, crawling into the back of the cab, uncomfortably close to you. And you had assumed he was just an over friendly nudist, prat. Better make a move before he makes his move, all over your rectum:

Use one of your lockpicks to unlock a can of whoop'ass, all over his face.
Phone the police
Back away, using the boot as a means to exit the vehicle. (They have one of them hatch thingies in the middle seat)
Drop 'em for your uncle
Take whatever happens next, repress it for several years then go on a murderous rampage live on air during Jerry Springer
Claw franticly at the car door
Complain that there are two many options to choose from, and that mouse clicks aren't cheap these days.