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Flaggots are the absolute scum of the intertubes. Closely related to the basement-dwelling fucktard, they are the lowest form of shit on the face of this planet; the voracious, AIDS-infected tumor that is slowly destroying the Webs. And, like all species of cancer, they are vile, malignant, and practically impossible to remove.

So, what is a flaggot? Well, here are a few definitions from Urban Dictionary:

1. Person who flags postings as inappropriate on various online forums, despite the fact that said postings do not violate the forum's terms of use; person who would rather censor an opposing viewpoint than have to present his/her own case convincingly.
2. Those who flag because they can't stand honest competition.Those who deem it their divine right to protect the world from anything but their point of view.

Such descriptions are barely adequate, as they do not convey the utterly contemptible nature of the homegrown online flaggot. Simply stated, such individuals are the writhing, maggot-infested sewage at the bottom of the internet cesspool. They are worse than the EDfag, the Skiddie and the Trollfag put together.

How do these shitholes operate online? Well, here's a basic outline:

It starts out when some reeking asshole gets pwnt in a trivial argument on a blog, forum, or BBS. Being too much of a butthurt crybaby to admit their obvious defeat, they create a small army of sock-puppets to take revenge on their opponent. They then start hanging around their victim's page, flagging literally everything as inappropriate, regardless of whether or not it violates site policy. As the false complaints pile up, the sysops figure "better safe than sorry" and delete everything for teh lulz.

This kind of shit is rampant all over the netz, but is particularly virulent on DevianTART, YEWtube, Craigslist and any other site where faggotry reigns supreme. Innocent users are routinely banned over spurious, unproven reports ranging from art theft to so-called prohibited content. At this time, there is no known antidote to this epidemic (although it is generally accepted that carriers should be buttfucked without hesitation or remorse). TL;DR? Anyone who maliciously goes hunting for images to report should be banned until the end of time.

What’s that? Don't Like what you see? Then STFU and GTFO!! There: problem solved for everyone, you lying little shit!!!

See also