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As the geographic center of all known faggotry in the universe, devianART is notable for only two things; shitty fanart and endlessly butthurt crybabies. Naturally, the two go hand-in-hand, and the worst thing you can do on DA's massive fail of a site is steal someone else's artwork.

According to DA's mentally challenged userbase, Art theft is the WORST CRIME IN HUMAN HISTORY, far worse than rape, murder or the ENTIRE FUCKING HOLOCAUST. It doesn't matter if the artwork in question is a worthless piece of preschool shit (like everything else on the site): if you repost someone else's pic under your name, it's a catastrophe of Katrina-like proportions. Once the deception is discovered, you'll have 9000 whining fucktards running around threatening to bring in the fucking Party Van.

No, seriously - these cunt-holes actually claim that the FBI will kick down your door and ship you off to Gitmo for DA rule violations. This is a clear demonstration of your average Tartlet's incredible narcissism: their SHITFAIL ARTWORK is so important that it has to be protected by Homeland Security. Well, the truth is that The Man COULDN'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK that Marysue484 stole your crappy Naruto photoshoop - and neither could DA's administration most of the time. 98 percent of TOS reports are dismissed as insignificant teenaged bullshit (which they are) and never followed up.

So - what should you do if you BAWWWWW to the management and they ignore your sniveling, infantile complaints? The answer is simple: take the law into your own hands, call up your PERSONAL ARMY and mount a full scale invasion. It may be totally against the rules, but who gives a toss? BUTTHURT HYPOCRISY is the god-given right of every whining DA dramacunt. As mentioned above, art theft is the WORST CRIME IMAGINABLE, and the enemy deserves NO MERCY!!1!!

Funny how these FAGGOTS are so fond of quoting the rules, and yet always seem to ignore this particular section from the DA etiquette guide:

"Accusations of bannable offenses, questions or comments regarding specific administrative actions, and copyright violation reports are always to be addressed to the Policy Violation Administrators, and not directed at a particular deviant. Misplaced or false accusations may be considered violations of site policy."

The following 'transgressions' will win you an instant banhammer:

  • Speaking out against prejudice.
  • Defending a tracer.
  • Opposing online censorship.
  • Criticizing the rules.
  • Using bold, underline, or italics in your comments (!).
  • Blocking trolls, flamers, flaggots or anyone else who attacks you.
  • Being transgendered.

Paradoxically, none of the following will get you banned, despite being expressly against the rules:

  • Harrassing other users.
  • Forming personal armies.
  • Posting vicious personal attacks.
  • Wishing someone dead.
  • Lodging OVERTLY false accusations.
  • Branding someone a sexual pervert.
  • Calling 'art theft' with NO concrete proof.

See also