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TGcomix is a true internet warrior; a fallen hero who faced down an army of hate for the sake of artistic freedom. Besieged on all sides by trolls and flaggots, he stood his ground against the tyranny of online censorship and paid the ultimate price for speaking the truth.

His message was simple: Art should never be subject to censorship in any way, shape or form. This undisputed statement of fact – commonly acknowledged by artists and writers around the world – provoked the rage of his enemies, who believe that free expression has no place on DeviantART. Mobilizing their personal armies, they launched a sustained vendetta against TG’s gallery, branding him a pervert and attempting to hound him off the site. The harassment culminated in a completely undeserved ban after they convinced DA's administration to block his IP address.

TG may be gone, but his message will never be silenced. We have established this page in memory of his tireless crusade against oppressive censorship and visual bigotry. Like him, we believe that art is a RIGHT, not a privilege, and that free speech must never be sacrificed in favor of popular opinion.

See also

This article is made of PURE AWESOME. Do NOT alter it in ANY way, you FUCKING RETARD.