W*kia Inc. Corp. Ltd.

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“The cough of our wiki.”

- Swenglish Translator on on Wikia in the past

“The dirt on the heel of our shoe of our wiki.”

- Illogicopedia on on Wikia

The plural of wicket, Wikia is an online shop where you can buy candle wicks and such paraphernalia. That's if the server isn't down. The name is a taken directly from wiki law: subjects of discussion are known as Wiki A, Wiki B and so on. It is also thought it may be a typo made by the work experience guy messing around with the page name registry one day.

File:Trash stamp.png
  This article is quoted from a chatroom somewhere. 


|<-- TOR_CNR has left irc.freenode.net ("Wikia, Inc. - resistance if futile")
[19:55.14] <SilentPenguin> "Wikia, Inc. - resistance *if* futile" er wha?
[19:55.35] <Jack_Phoenix>  :P
[19:55.38] <Jack_Phoenix>  typo
[19:55.49] * SilentPenguin imagines if it said fertile insted
[19:56.32] <Phil_E>        lol
[19:56.32] <Catherine>     Penguin, it makes as much 
                           sense as anything else on your wiki..... :D
[19:56.32] <Jack_Phoenix>  <g>
[19:56.58] <SilentPenguin> wikia, impregnating the nation, *IT WANTS YOUR BABIES!*
[19:57.43] <SilentPenguin> including yours Jack_Phoenix
[19:57.51] <Jack_Phoenix>  o_O
[19:58.16] <SilentPenguin> wikia is so hot it gets men knocked up

I wonder... If you applied some fertilizer to Wikia, would it resist?
Oh, how it ircs me!

Being evil and stuff

Bad Wikia! You're getting a spanking!

Wikia is evil! They steal your renameuser extension!

At least Angela is hot[1].


  1. According to Nerd42, who (in his own words) "totally made out with" her. But he also said that he jumped over a shark without getting wet, so Wii're not sure if he's being entirely honest about the Wikia witch of the West.

See also
