Aid Epoc Igolli

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Hmm? What's up? Oh right. For cheese, see butter.

Aid Epoc Igolli as seen on the Illogiland overseas dependency flag

You have wet your pants.

Clean 'em or find new ones?

Find new ones

Impossible! No underpants exist in this area.


Mr. Rogers won the wrestling match but Kool-Aid Man gave him a heart attack. So Mr. Rogers went to hell for molesting countless young kids.

Bob is on the Dole

Bob Dole, also called "NOOOOO!!!!! NOT THE CHAINS!!!!! IT BURNS!!!!!!!!!!!!" eats dirty sweatsocks and lives in moist, soggy overused pairs of underwear.

The conclusion

You have wet your pants. Ha ha.

Forget this. I can always go and play Grand Theft Auto.
