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The Conspiracy

About Conspiracy -- Characters -- Your Gear -- Your Journal

Note from the Author: I know the game has been exceedingly easy and story-like up to this point, but this will all change now. Think of what has preceeded as the cut-scene at the start of a (good) game. What follows next will be the random fights, silly options and stupid craziness that you'd expect in an illogiGame. --Testostereich(ballsack)17:46, 8 Aym 2008 (UTC)

Asema and you walk back out to the remote location (a rave) and begin to discuss the business ahead. Though convincingly disguised as Kate Moss, Asema still seems to have an itchy crotch bulge. You try hard not to grimace as he fails to hide his hand movements. The conversation then reaches the briefing for your mission:

"I need you to get me the Chartreuse Chandelier, a small diamond with so many different diffractions of light spreading from it that it gives the impression it's made of lots of miniature jewels, sort of like a chandelier. Using the Conspirator's notes I can unlock the magic of the gem and take down the adminatii. We have intelligence that the UnForces are currently in pocession of it, hidden at their top secret base in IllogiCainen."

You interupt Asema's flow with a question. "If the bass is 'Top Secret' then how do you know where it is?"

"I looked it up in the phonebook. But moving on, I'll supply you with the location of the headquaters and the key to the door. Now go!"

You walk outside ready for action, all you need to do now is get to IllogiCainen, but being a n00b you can't drive:

Catch a cab
Catch a bus
Catch a lift with Testostereich (call shotgun)
Catch a cold