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It's these substandard motels on the corner of 4th and Fremond street. They're appealing only because they're just that unappealing; any practised catholic would cross themselves upon entering!

The rooms have a hint of asbestos, and maybe just a dash of formaldehyde, and a habit of decomposing right before your very eyes, along with the people inside!

Oh, what a wonderful caricature of intimacy

Tonight tenants range from: a lawyer and a virgin accessorising with the rosary tucked inside her lingerie. She's getting a job at the firm come monday, while the mrs. will stay with the cheating attorney. Moonlighting aside, she really needs the money. A wonderful caricature of intimacy

Yeah, and not to mention...

the constable and his proposition; yes, the one the lawyer met with on "strictly business", or as he said o the mrs.

Well, only hours before...

after she had left she was fixing her face in a compact, and there was a terrible crash!. Bewteen her and the badge, she spilled her purse and her bag, and held a purse of a different kind.

Oh, what a wonderful caricature of intimacy

There are no raindrops on roses or girls in white dresses, it's sleeping with roaches and taking best guesses at the shade of the sheets before all the stains; and a few more of your least favourite things.