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File:Shark in net.jpg
The early net, complete with loan shark.

“Didn't Al Gore invent the Internet?”

- Someone on on the Internet

“No. I think it was Bill Fence”

- Someone else on on someone

“I just beat the Internet. The end guy was hard.”

- on Some hobo on the intrawebz

“jT S3eMz DaT NaHr WuYn TaaKz uZ SjRixLa! WaHj DaN PeJpLe tAk3 uZj SjiRiXlA?”

- Jejemons on Internet

The Internet (otherwise known as t'Internet) was first used as a fishing net. It was a very clever fishing net. But the government wanted that fishing net. So they took it.

The government promptly took the Internet and made it into a communication device. It didn't work very well, seeing as it was made to be a fishing net. A very clever fishing net. Then smart people got a there a space there?...anyway, they got a hold on the Internet and made it into a very clever communication device. It was released to the public a million bajillion dog years later.

People proceeded to use the Internet as a fishing net.

Internet today

i haxxorz j00.

Internet-related topics

See also

File:Dog chat.jpg
The Internet is full of normal people.