Cactus Man
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Facts About Cactus Man
- Homeworld - Wooden Table in S5
- Species - Cactus
- Gender - Male
- Motto - Cactius Mannius Winium Alwai
- Dimensions - Metaphorically, Beyond Human Understanding. No-one, including you, knows his true height/weight/centre of gravity/depth/density/tensile strength/depth of pocket: It can range from drawing to drawing.
- Immensosity - Immense factor 1 trillion
- Defining Features - Sunbrerro, Banjo, Sunglasses, Cool and Calculating Mouth, No nose, prickley thorns covering body, exct,
Cactus Man is a small, outrageous company in the UK, producing products for the good of the British people. Some of these products include a thermometer, a keyring light and a clock. Cactus Man is also referred to as "The Legend Of Cactus Man" and was created by two comedic geniai at Ousedale in Newport Pagnell. Cactus Man began as a logo and was transformed to also be a company name and logo (Cactus Man Incorporated [CMI]). Upcoming products include a Toothpaste/Toothbrush Holder and an enormous poster.
Cactus Man is a contradomfiddlediddedment of from the word Cactus (meaning a spiky shrub often found in desert and semi-deserts) and the word Man (meaning the human that is not a woman). Duh!
Cactus Man began when two pupils of the school were bored in Science lessons; and so came up with idea of drawing on the wooden surfaces of these tables. Thus, Cactus Man was born. Some sad and stupid people called "School Cleaners" try to rub/sand paper Cactus Man off of the desk, but Cactus Man will live on, as he is currently being drawn on 5 other tables. Soon, every table will be covered. Appearing around and near Cactus man drawings are inscriptions of peoples' comments of Cactus man, some of which are unpleasant. This is known from many lessons in which the creators of Cactus man attend - technology for instance.
Legend has it that on an island known as Wanahackalugi, there is a great statue depicting a god like figure, showing none other than Cactus Man. This was written about in ancient scrolls delivered to us by small pidgeons. The messages were vague and tooks seconds of transmalation, but here is what was definitely NOT made up:
“All hail Cactus Man, mighty Banjo playing Cactus Man. He has saved our island from starvation and destruction numerous times, and we owe him our lives”
Evidence on the subject is not 121% clear, but many scientist are researching this island, and looking into more exploration attempts at finding the island, and the god like creature - Cactus Man
Despite his catus-like appearance, Cactus Man has several defining features that make him stand up against other cactai. For example, one would not find sunglasses and a banjo on a normal cactus located in some desert somewhere, no matter how hard you looked. Trust me I have tried. The sunglasses enable him to stay cool and look cool in the melting sun of the desert. It also provides possible protection from any science experiment related spillages.
Cactus Man is a cactus with an attitude. His only known trait is that he is super cool, I mean not just cool, not just super cool but sub zeroly absolute zeroly cool. That's pretty cool. No-one quite knows how he does this since he lives in the melting hot sun of the desert. He is known to solve arguments instantaneously, inevitably and inexorably; annihilating any opposition in his way and then melting their face when they are screaming on the floor, crying in excruciating pain.
Cactus Man is currently in a table top argument with an unknown being, this article will not give names, but it is hinted that he is a shitbag. This being stated that Cactus Man is a spaz, although he clearly is not. The argument then moved on to the topic of the arguee having no penis; even though he is clearly of the male race. This makes him even more of a shitbag and if that shitbag is reading this, then everyone on the internet knows that you have no penis. Cactus Man is known to be good at arguing and so will obviouly annihilate this being; he has no need to do so because Cactus Man has many followers and these will obliterate any opposistion at the twitch of a banjo. Cactai are apparently afraid of water, but Cactus Man does not fear anything. Cactus Man only needs a surface to be able to live.
Former Band
Cactus Man was in a band, before he left; it to become the world's most ultimate cactus and to develop his new talent of Quasiquantumfacemeltism. The band he was in is called "The Band Formerly Known As Cactus Man's Band". It contained 3 other members and will be possibly added to this website if the author/plural can be bothered.
Sex Scandals
Cactus Man has been invloved in many sex scandals with various female humans. Some of these include Marilyn Monroe and J. K. Rowling. When Cactus Man was accused of this, he claimed: 'I did not have sexual relations with that woman.' He then proceded to melt everyones face and they suddenly believed him.
Cactus Man's debut in an ICT suite was short-lived by a bitch of a teacher, this teacher forced the artist to rub off his hard work for the rest of the lesson. The person that did this had absolutley nothing to do with Cactus Man and is not afiliated or in any way, shape or form connected to Cactus Man. However, we are glad that this person (or thing) is carrying the torch that is Cactus Man and contributing towards the ultimate goal: Cover every desk in Cactus Man.
The Two Authors of Cactus Man were discovered last year by a cool physics teacher. Unfortunately, this cool physics teacher knows a son-of-a-bitch-other-science-teacher, of whom he told the story to. This other teacher made the two authors sand Cactus Man off the very desk from which he came. The Two did this very begrudgingly and tears were almost shed when the very last remenants of Cactus Man had gone. But the Two live and work on, even to this very day.
Cactus Man has recently endoresed and sponsored a football team. This team consists of the world's greatest players and also has the Two in the starting line up. Shirts are in production and soon, this team will overtake Real Madrid as the richest team in the world. This team already holds the title of "Coolest Team In The World" title, awarded 3 seconds ago.
Cactus Man has one banjo and has only ever had one banjo and has kept the same banjo since he got it. It is a Banjoer 3860 Yokelcaster and it must be noted that Cactus Man plays this Banjo with his right hand as several idiots have tried to immitate the drawing of Cactus Man; but drawing him playing left-handed. This is of course insanely stupid, possibly done by "School Cleaners".
As you should know, Cactus man has a banjo. Apparently, he can play this banjo very well indeed. Here's an eye witness account:
“So there I was in the, like, classroom and I saw this, like, weird cactus shaped thing on the , like, desk. I went to, like, investigate and then the catus thing started making this weird noise and I suddenly became sexually attracted to the cactus thing. Then my ears and face started melting and I ran for it. ”
As you can see, Cactus Man's music melts ears and faces, but is very rarely played by Cactus Man since only one person has ever heard it. It has been widely agreed by top scientists (i.e. me) that this requires a new genre of music. Behold: Quasi-Quantom-FaceMeltism. the genre that melts your face.
Quasi-Quantom-FaceMeltism, being a new genre of music purely created because of Cactus Mans' immensosity, is a piece of music played that has the disasterous effect of melting ones face. This effect has been tried and tested on many Americans, and the results where astounding, including many face and ear meltings. The specimens of these experiments are yet to be recovered from the US Military.
The ability to pull off Quasi-Quantom-FaceMeltism is held only by Cactus Man, and Jimi Hendrix...and several frogs/beings, and therefore he/they should be obeyed and treated like a god.
Why Cactus Man Hates Wikipedia
Cactus Man recently tried to add his article to Wikipedia, but his article was "unfairly declined". Cactus Man thought this a very unreasonable act and now Wikipedia is now on Cactus Man's Revenge List. Wikipedia you have been warned. However, Wikipedia will rule over google, so there are no discussions over which search engine/information centre is better
Cactus Man's Revenge List
As stated in Trivia, Cactus Man is the only known, living cactus to have a revenge list (since the late Cactus Des Los Oros died yesterday). Here is Cactus Man's revenge list.
- Ms. McGonigal who is a band teacher at Pinnacle High School in Phoenix, Arizona.
- rival cacti
- Grey's Anatomy
- The OC
- Laguna Beach
- Abercrombie and Fitch
- Hollister
- American Eagle
- Starbucks
- the word cacti
- other revenge lists
- "School Cleaners"
- The State of Wyoming
- Whales
- Doctor Von Komplitziert - Cactus Man's Arch Enemy
- Any one with a pink Aston Martin as this is a crime against humanity. Yes, Cactus Man does know about Katie Price's one and he doesn't care if she has massive, voloptuous, produdences protuding beneath her neck or not.
Cactus Man Across the Cosmos
Obviously, The Legend of Cactus Man exists across the Cosmos. For reasons implied by his royal highness sir Cactus Man himself, this page is not to be converted to any other language apart from English and anybody who doesn't speak English can learn it dammit. However, the legend that is Cactus Man has other names across the world.
- England: Cactus man
- France: Man D'eau Cacteus
- Germany: Kactus das ist Koolest
- Spain/Mexico: Casa dos Cactus
- Italy: Mammamia, Whata da hella isa that!
- Luxembourg: That cactus is bigger than my country!
- Sweden: You could sure make a heck of a lot of meatballs from that...
- Newcastle: Why-i-man
- Yorkshire: Ahh.. 'T cool catrse marn
- Mexico: Zorro Slayer
- Bongo Bongo Land: Mmumbawumbadumbabfump
- Russia: Cactuski Manski
- Belgium: *no comment, seeing as they speak several languages, and can't make their god damn minds up!*
- Wanahackalugi: God
Everyone loves Cactus Man. Over the years, there have been some very famous fans such as a random woman. Here is an incomplete and useless list of fans of Cactus Man:
- Random WomanFile:Fiance.jpgHere Is Random Woman With A Banjo. Scarey Isn't It
- Krusty Burglar
- The 6th Ayatola of Iran
- The Archbishop Of Canterbury
- Samuel "Mace Windu loves purple lightsabers" Jackson
- Cactus Man's mum (not mom, fools)
- The Wanahackalugians
- Cactus Man is the only Cactus to be playing a banjo and wearing a sombrerro and being a cactus at the same time.
- Cactus Man is the only Cactus to have a revenge list.
- Cactus Man was voted "Best Multitasking Cactus" by National Cactus Magazine.
- Cactus Man is the only Cactus that can have a table-top argument... without moving
- Cactus Man has ben known to use the word Neorecycliceasonableauantum in recent studies.
- Cactus Man is a frequent and happy user of Hangesturism
- Cactus man is the all time leader of Numberwang, with a score of 9999999999999999999999911111111111.365