Battle with Fluffalizer

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You -- HP: 5000
Attack Magic Skill Item
Sword Fire Poke Potion
Whip Bomb Peeonutan Shot Cheese

And with a mighty slash of your sword...!
You deal 0 damage!

Fluffalizer -- HP: 14000
Attack Magic Summon Item
Sysop Axe Happy Happy Silent Penguin Cheese Bomb
Viper Longsword Ban Fnord None

Fluffalizer summons Fnord and orders him to take over Belgium, throwing chocolate at you. Chocolate rains down on you. You contract Evilrobotclonanthropy.

You -- HP: 3000 BAD BAD STATUS!!!!! OMG OMG OMG!!!
Attack Magic Skill Item
Sword Fire Poke Potion
Whip Bomb Peeonutan Shot Cheese

You shoot out David at Fluffalizer, Peenoutan style!
5 damage!

Fluffalizer -- HP: 14000
Attack Magic Summon Item
Sysop Axe Happy Happy Silent Penguin Cheese Bomb
Viper Longsword Ban Fnord None

Fluffalizer summons Silent Penguin!

David and Silent Penguin, both being Peeonutan, team up and koala Ultra Japan. This makes Fluffalizer mad, so he banishes them to another dimension. Luckily, Dr. Woodenflower breaks them out, if only to fight them for control of Subbuteo. this results in a GIANT long battle scene, with HelloolleH joining Dr. Woodenflower. At the end, the two have grown so old they've died, and the battle ends.

VICTOLY!!! (NOT for those dirty Subbuteoans.)(Yash fur lon AWESOM subbuteoans. We hate super japan! Koala them without mercy! Demise to the enemy when convenient!) (You fools! I'll crush you! SPIT IN FACE!!) (Oh, and by the way, what happened to that FedEx package you sent me, Metalflower? I never did get my rainbow socks with the individual toes bak.)

The Illogicopedia battle series
Battle with David · Battle with Flameviper
Battle with The bladester · Battle with HelloolleH · Battle with IP
Admin battles
Battle with Asema · Battle with Fluffalizer · Battle with Hindleyite
Battle with MrMetalFLower · Battle with Testostereich · Battle with Teh baronlolz
Boss battles
Battle with Oscar Wilde · Battle with Famine
War battles
The Chocolate War · Penglish uprising · The Battle of My Room