Laws of physics

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The laws of physics are a set of rules laid down by King Elvis XII on what you can and can and can and cannot and can do in the mystical land of physics. They are as follows:

  • 1. No man ay enter, exit, look at, or interact with physics in any way.
  • 2. Rule one is null and void.
  • 3. Scratch rule 2, I hear it likes sex with unnatural things.
  • 2. Oh, you're one to talk, number 3, everyone knows about your affair with Jack Osbourne.
  • 3. Bring it, slut!!
  • 4. Shut up, shut up, shut up...(farts)...ahhhhhhhh, ok, carry on.
  • 2. Number 3, your face resembles cat piss.
  • 3. 2, Your right nipple is shaped like the beliefs of's distored and is growing too large.
  • 5. No littering/eating reptiles.
  • 6. See number 7.
  • 7. Anyone caught on fire will be burned alive.

Stick to these rules and no-one will get hurt, except Austrian orphans, who will be ejaculated on and beaten every other yesterday.