IllogiBooks:The U.S. History You Never Learned in School
The United States has been through a lot of history. Today, with the help of the author Chuck Norris, you will learn the history of the country you learned in school and things no one has ever known. Below is an index of the entire book.
America was discovered sometime by someone. We don't know the specifics exactly, but in this chapter, you'll see what crap we came up with to show just how the terrible awesome, inspiring, and cool country of America was originally founded, before it even became a country!
Colonial Days
After last section, now we're going to get into how Great Britain is full of plump, lazy bums that could only bring themselves to get money in one way: Taxing the hell out of colonists in the "new world". Why don't the chums just go get a job?
Also, we'll see just how the Americans kicked the Biritsh arse and came away with a country of their own!
Section 6: The American Revolution