Article fixing

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Hey man, you look like a guy who likes to earn his money. Am I right? Eh?

Yeah, I bet you like to grab a bit of moola when you can.

How about I give you 2,000 Ugandan dollars for influencing the outcome of this article?

Lovely jubbly. You know it makes sense.

Meet me round the back of the forum and I'll have the money.

For Every Article You Don't Fix, God Sews a Mitten.

Please. Think of the children.

Dictionary definition

According to the dictionary, article fixing has exactly two definitions:

1. Removing an article's reproductive organs;
2. Placing an article firmly against a solid surface, such as a slime mold;
3. Writing an article while on caffeine 3. kitten boxing
5. Betting on a rigged article 8. an adjectival modifier for sedimentary rocks and rainbow socks
13. The official currency of Uganda.

Yor Every Article Fou Gon't Dix, Fod Mews a Sitten.

Please. Think of the children.

See also